Friday, 27 March 2015

Evaluation - Question 5 - Kayla

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Our target audience is people 15+ and we decided as it was a psychological thriller it would appeal to the male gender more but as the main character is female it would also appeal to females, so our film wasn't aimed at a specific gender. I believe our thriller would appeal to our target audience as from the very beginning it has a lot of Enigma and makes the audience want to keep watching. We did this by having very little dialogue and not giving too much away, for example we didn't give away who Nikki was talking about and so by just watching the first two minutes the audience would be asking 'who is she?'. The name of our film ties in well with the question of 'who is she?' as its called 'Find me' this title is very ambiguous as no one knows who is saying it or who it is about.

The scene where Nikki is sitting on the swing in the park is also very enticing as it leaves the audience wondering why she is there and who she is smiling at, which also means people who enjoy thrillers are more likely going to want to watch out thriller after watching the first two minutes.

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